Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year

It's officially 2013, everyone!

*Horns honk, whistles blow*

I hope everyone enjoyed their winter break, I know I did. Back to school, I guess... *sighs* How unfair is it that in Europe, they get off until like the 10th because of Three King's Day? I guess if you live in Europe this really isn't unfair at all, but from my perspective...

I spent my break visiting my family and watching Avatar reruns.


Here's a quick summary of the Cabbage Merchant, if you don't like Avatar or just don't remember the guy.

The Cabbage Merchant was first introduced in the episode, "The City of Omashu", and has been a classic in episodes following. Though he was supposed to be a one-time character he returned for  episodes such as "The Waterbending Scroll", "The Serpent's Pass", and several other episodes I can't quite recall.
He was also referenced in the second-to-last episode, "The Ember Island Players", as "...a surprisingly knowledgeable merchant of cabbage."

His most famous line?

I think these four words sum up the entire Avatar: The Last Airbender series perfectly.

Oh yeah, he was reincarnated in Legend of Korra, the second Avatar series, as this statue:



So, I noticed on PH that nonmembers can now get COOKIES from Vidia's Daily Spin, as well as ingredients. This has probably been around for a whuile, hasn't it?

(Pic coming soon)

But, hey, me likey. *evil smile*


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Don't be mean, and don't use offensive language please! Everyone has the right to their own opinion. Grazi!